Ideal for students of neuroscience and neuroanatomy, the new edition of Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience combines the didactic well-loved illustrations of Dr. Frank Netter with succinct text and clinical points, providing a highly visual, clinically oriented guide to the most important topics in this subject. The logically organized content presents neuroscience from three perspectives: an overview of the nervous system, regional neuroscience, and systemic neuroscience, enabling you to review complex neural structures and systems from different contexts.
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A companion set of flash cards, Netter’s Neuroscience Flash Cards, 3rd Edition, to which the textbook is cross-referenced.
Table of contents :
Front Matter,Copyright,About the Authors,Dedication,Acknowledgments,Preface,About the Artists,Video ContentsEntitled to full textSection I: Overview of the Nervous System1 - Neurons and Their Properties, Pages 1-43
2 - Skull and Meninges, Pages 45-50
3 - Brain, Pages 51-70
4 - Brain Stem and Cerebellum, Pages 71-75
5 - Spinal Cord, Pages 77-83
6 - Ventricles and the Cerebrospinal Fluid, Pages 85-91
7 - Vasculature, Pages 93-124
8 - Developmental Neuroscience, Pages 125-152
9 - Peripheral Nervous System, Pages 153-232
10 - Spinal Cord, Pages 233-246
11 - Brain Stem and Cerebellum, Pages 247-287
12 - Diencephalon, Pages 289-293
13 - Telencephalon, Pages 295-352
14 - Sensory Systems, Pages 353-390
15 - Motor Systems, Pages 391-420
16 - Autonomic-Hypothalamic-Limbic Systems, Pages 421-461
Index, Pages 463-477